Binding of the Almatraek
Welcome, let my books and your imagination take you away to the far reaches of beautiful Endalwynndale. Here, you will meet a band of brave youths trying to save their kingdom from the magic found within the Almatraek Dim, a spell book made to help evil ensnare the land. Their only chance is to track down its sister book, the Almatraek Bright, and somehow unlock the mystery behind how to destroy the Almatraek Dim once and for all. Come, discover the magic. Author's Note: These books are appropriate for ages 9 to adult, though a reading level of at least grade 6 is recommended. Book I: Knight's Surrender Aylan Suresword is a spirited thirteenth century farm girl of seemingly common origin who blends her special knowledge of herbology with her new found gift of magic. With her handmaid, Millie, hijinks ensue as she is whisked through a mystical tale of danger and romance, where upon she is ultimately forced to make a desperate decision between freedom for her country or happiness with her new found love. Book II: Noble Pursuit Without a king on the throne, Endalwynndale is ripe for the taking. While an enemy of the kingdom plots to capture his people, Oslan, the brave crown prince, learns that there is more to some of his nobles than he had originally believed. He finds himself taking up arms to travel across the ocean, where Augle, the Cyclops, lives guarding an artifact that can help him thwart the plot to end his life. Determined to save his subjects, he courageously attempts to face the giant and desperately hopes that he is cunning enough to win the vital relic that even magic cannot help him spirit away. Book III: Enchanted Page During a vicious attack from magical foes, one brave mage volunteers to embark on a quest to retrieve a lost book of antidotes that the kingdom desperately needs. Lazelan and his unlikely companions must face ancient booby-traps that no adventurer has ever been able to conquer, or lose their only lead to the whereabouts of the magical tomb. In Endalwynndale, a boy’s mind is ensnared and he is forced to commit dangerous deeds for a new villain that is trying to arise. Book IV: Foresight's Flight
The situation in Endalwynndale has become dire as Aylan’s magic begins to spiral out of control. While her energy is mysteriously drawn away, her magic begins to lash out at her royal subjects. Frustrated, she is left as weak as a kitten, and helpless to stop the attacks. Lazelan and Wolfbane anxiously race to the dwarven mines of Mount Embalk on their quest to find the Almatraek Bright to save her. But they must make haste or risk losing it forever, as a crazed member of the self-appointed guardians of the tome will stop at nothing to prevent them from finding it. In an attempt to help her friends find the book, Sasha turns to her visions, but fears the mysterious darkness that has begun to eclipse her ability to see exactly where it lies. |
Almatrae Pronunciation guide:
Letter Sounds As in Like A ah (bat) E eh (bet) I ē (bee) O ō (home) U ū (new) Ii ē-ē (pronounce both separately) Ae ay (day) 0a wa (water) X tz (pizza) Y y (bay) Ao ow (how) Ay ī (eye) Au o (yaught) J y (yes) |
For those readers that like to know how to properly pronounce languages they are reading, this is a quick guide on how to properly say/read the words in Almatrae, the ancient langugage of magic in the Binding of the Almatraek book series. Letters not covered in the quick guide are pronounced as in the English language.
Cauldron Cards
Now, brought to you by Reilly Books and LilCon Games, comes a mage's battle royal guaranteed to leave you spell-bound.
Keep your enemies close and your herbs closer as you work in a frenzy to finish completing spells before your foes do. Beware of event cards that can be cast to help or hinder your efforts. Secret stores, skeleton keys, contaminated herbs and damaged spells are just a few of the enchantments you may encounter in this game that's in a word: magical. |
A peek at the game
A peek at the game
Lock & Key
Jailbreak your knights before your opponents and don’t get caught with any left behind! This easy-to-learn game is fun for the whole family where making a run for it is the key. If you like Crazy Eights or Uno, this is the game for you.
Beat your opponent by sliding, jumping, and pushing your way across the board to get all your pieces into your opponent's pixum before yours is filled!
This simple math-based game is fun for the whole family or those who enjoy strategy games. Reinforces simple addition, strategizing, problem solving, and greater/less than. |